Clinton Foreign Car Repair, Mobile Auto Repair and Mobile Diagnostics

(908) 892-7422

Auto Exhaust System Repair

Vehicle inspection is right around the corner. You have nothing to worry about. Your car is running great and will pass inspection with flying colors. But then, suddenly, a rattling noise. Then a burning smell. Your check engine light goes on.

Now what?

Here at Autoshop On Wheels, we know how frustrating and alarming it can be to have your check engine light turn on, especially if your vehicle has an upcoming inspection. If you are having trouble with your vehicle, remain calm and collected, you’ve come to the right place. Autoshop On Wheels has been providing the Clinton area with all their auto repair needs for many years.

How do I know if there is problem with my exhaust system?

There are a number of tell-tale signs that there may be something wrong with your auto exhaust system. Noise and visible smoke are the biggest indicators. But, even more dangerous than noise and smoke is the harmful carbon monoxide fumes that have the potential to leak into the inside of your vehicle from holes in the catalytic converter or muffler.

What is an exhaust system?

The exhaust system is comprised of several different components, all of which work together to reduce noise, harmful emissions and direct exhaust fumes away from the motorist.

Are you in need of auto exhaust repairs? Are you in the Clinton area?

If you suspect that your vehicle’s exhaust system is affecting your vehicle’s performance, you need a reliable and qualified auto technician. Autoshop On Wheels has many years of experience and uses the latest diagnostic equipment to ensure that your vehicle is properly being serviced. Whether you are in need of minor exhaust system repairs or a complete exhaust system overhaul, we have the knowledge and the expertise to get you back on the road quickly without breaking the bank.

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